Monday, January 28, 2008

phone call

I did not realize that I hadn't posted in a week; time gets away from me. We've been doing more remodeling and getting prepped for our Super Bowl Party on Sunday so I've been busy!

I did want to post about a wonderful phone call I received yesterday; I guess I should give a bit of history regarding the caller! My mother's mother (who passed away when my mom was a teenager) had 4 sisters. All four have lived away from Kentucky for 60+ years; 3 of them in the western part of the US however we've always kept in touch with them. For some strange reason, at Christmastime this year when I sent my Aunt Clella (the oldest living great aunt) her picture of the boys, I wrote her a 4 page letter. I guess because she is the aunt that I have spent the least amount of time with over they years, I felt like I wanted her to know more about our lives and my boys. She sent me back a card telling me she loved the picture and she would write more later. Well, I hadn't heard from her until yesterday when she called. What a great surprise. These great aunts of mine are so interesting and are full of stories that I could listen to for hours. Since I never knew my grandmother, they can share things that I otherwise would not be privy too. This particular aunt lives in California and has for over 60 years. She has written her memoirs and is waiting to get them published. I've read excerpts and they are so interesting to me; of course, it's my family history she is writing about. I suppose this phone call is not interesting to anyone other than myself, but it was such a blessing to me. I think the best thing was that she told me goodbye by telling me that she was so very proud of me and that she knows that I'm a great mother and she knows that my boys will be strong, great men. Can a mother recieve a better compliment from someone? I was touched beyond words.

"The noblest calling in the world is that of a mother. True motherhood is the most beautiful of all arts, the greatest of all professions." - David O. McKay

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