Monday, March 17, 2008

neverending excitement

I didn't realize I had not posted in almost a month; that was not my plan when I started this thing. Oh well, times gets away from me sometimes. Things have been going quite well here; we are finally over all the illnesses and getting started in baseball, playing church basketball and enjoying March Madness (GO TOPS!!). We've had 75 degree days and also 4 or 5 inches of snow. My 3 youngest boys had never seen that much. Nolan, Nathan and Jackson were able to play on the golf course in the snow for a bit, while our amazingly smart puppy Bailey, took a swim in the ice cold pond. Apparently icy water has little effect on her.

A couple of other interesting things have gone on too; Nolan's high school won the regional tournament and will play in the State tourney beginning this week at Corrupt Arena (inside joke). During the district tournament, I was able to make it to a game; the finals. Nolan went with friends (he always ditches us these days) and spent the night with a doctor/co-worker of mine and his son. The next day I picked him up and he had something in his left eye...this something wouldn't flush out. Turns out, it was metal. Had a little eye surgery on the 9th; got the metal out and then polished out the rust ring. He was patched for 24 hours and then went back to see Dr. Tade. They eye healed nicely but it definitely had a chunk out of it for a few days. The metal went in about 1/2 way down into the cornea. Nolan was allowed to miss a day of school so he wasn't too torn up over this.

We then went a whole two weeks with no real excitement...until today. I have this little saying that goes ..."unless you have a bone sticking out or blood coming out an orifice, you're fine". Well, today I ate my words. I have managed to make it through 3 boys without anything in an orifice (except that chewing gum incident with Nolan's nose when he was 5 or 6- it came out so that doesn't count). This morning around 10 I was working and Nathan (spring break wk 2) was playing; I heard Bryson begin to of those "I am in pain bigtime cries". Nathan suggested that he hit his head but when I picked him up, he was not rubbing his head. I couldnt' find anything until I saw blood on his hand....then blood pouring out of his left ear. This, cannot be a good thing. After a bit of investigation, it was determined that my sweet little baby boy who never gets into anything or gets into trouble, jabbed a Qtip into his EAR. Blood from the ear really is not a good sign so after a call to peds, we ended up at the ENT with our friend and fellow baseball dad, Hugh.

Yes, when my children do something, they do it well. Bryson punctured about 20% of the area of his eardrum. The plan now is drops x 10 days and then a recheck. If it's not healed in 10 days, a trip to the OR will ensue for a patch to close the area. We won't know about hearing loss for a few weeks or a month and if there is loss, there is nothing we can do to treat it. What have we learned from this??? Hide the Q-tips where the child cannot reach them. He has never seen anyone use a Qtip so I am not sure why he discerned that the Qtip should be placed in his ear canal....I will assume he is a genius! The first dose of drops did not go over well with my otherwise jovial baby boy and I fear the next 19 doses will share the same outcome. I pray for no infection and quick healing; I do not like having my little boys taken to the OR for any reason, even if it's minor.

I suppose that is all I'll write about for now. I think 2 foreign objects in body parts is quite enough for a while. My friend Deb told me today that she doesn't know how I'm so calm when these things happen; that has always been my nature - the calm one during crisis. With 4 boys, you cannot be to spastic but I do think I will tweak my signature phrase regarding bones sticking out and blood coming from an orifice...I'll think on that and get back to you!

"Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I've become a juggler I suppose. It's all a big circus and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but I do." Jane Seymour

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