Thursday, February 21, 2008

Big News

As everyone who knows us can attest, baseball has been a primary part of our lives since Nolan was 4. We've been thru it all, tee ball, pee wee, little league, prep league, travel ball, state tournaments, world series, laughter, tears, joy, anger, the works. Nolan has always been a great player. His fundamentals are the best out there hands down. He tried out for high school ball last year and didn't make it as an 8th grader because he was "too small". Yes, he is small but he can outplay anyone out there. So, he waited, trained, got stronger and this year tried out again.

Now unless you have a child who is a good athlete and tries out for various teams, all star teams, etc., you have no idea what the waiting is like (for the parents I mean). It is pure torture; horrific and painful and LONG! We had a feeling that Nolan would make the team but you just never know. All the schools in our county/city have Freshman teams except ours, so in the other schools, everyone makes it. It's not like that at's only the most talented (for the most part - occasionally one slips in who isn't that great but...).

This past Tuesday, the 19th, Nolan got the word from the coach that he made the JV team. He will be playing 2nd and shortstop. Of course, two people called to tell me before Nolan even got home so I had some quiet time to scream, yell and jump up and down prior to his arrival. I also had time to make a balloon run and get some yellow and green balloons out in the driveway for him when he arrived.

The only thing that really bugs me about this whole situation is how unexciteable Nolan is. He is so much like his dad....we could win the lottery and they would just smile slightly and nothing more. (Thank goodness Nathan and Jackson are like me and go crazy when they are excited). I am in the foyer jumping up and down with Nolan (dragging him up and down is really how it happened) and he looks at me like I'm a fool. I had to express it though. This is his dream and one of our many dreams for him and I just cannot contain myself.

Actually, there is one other thing that bugs me now that I think of it. Other people don't act as excited as me (some do, close friends who have children in sports). I heard sthe same thing over and over "well, are you surprised he made it? did you think he wouldn't" or "I would have been more surprised if he didnt' make it". It's not that I didn't think he could or should make it, it's that people don't realize that you can't take these things for granted. Yes he should make it and yes, he could make it but until I get confirmation that he did, I cannot get excited. Therefore, everyone should be as excited as me!! As I said, unless you have an athlete/all star child, you just don't understand the excitement and the joy.

I am now going to have to start a new scrapbook just for HS exciting. Nolan's baseball scrapbook is done from his first year up to 2005 I believe. I will have a separate one for HS ball and will begin soon. I will post a page or two when I get it going.

The screaming is over for now; the excitement is calming some. We had a celebratory dinner at Crabs (Jackson's name for Red Lobster) last night but I still feel like I have not completely expressed my overwhelming joy. I guess Iwill have to hold it in or someone might have me committed for my random outburts. I will post once the season starts and keep this updated.

"All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them". - Magic Johnson

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