Monday, January 28, 2008

phone call

I did not realize that I hadn't posted in a week; time gets away from me. We've been doing more remodeling and getting prepped for our Super Bowl Party on Sunday so I've been busy!

I did want to post about a wonderful phone call I received yesterday; I guess I should give a bit of history regarding the caller! My mother's mother (who passed away when my mom was a teenager) had 4 sisters. All four have lived away from Kentucky for 60+ years; 3 of them in the western part of the US however we've always kept in touch with them. For some strange reason, at Christmastime this year when I sent my Aunt Clella (the oldest living great aunt) her picture of the boys, I wrote her a 4 page letter. I guess because she is the aunt that I have spent the least amount of time with over they years, I felt like I wanted her to know more about our lives and my boys. She sent me back a card telling me she loved the picture and she would write more later. Well, I hadn't heard from her until yesterday when she called. What a great surprise. These great aunts of mine are so interesting and are full of stories that I could listen to for hours. Since I never knew my grandmother, they can share things that I otherwise would not be privy too. This particular aunt lives in California and has for over 60 years. She has written her memoirs and is waiting to get them published. I've read excerpts and they are so interesting to me; of course, it's my family history she is writing about. I suppose this phone call is not interesting to anyone other than myself, but it was such a blessing to me. I think the best thing was that she told me goodbye by telling me that she was so very proud of me and that she knows that I'm a great mother and she knows that my boys will be strong, great men. Can a mother recieve a better compliment from someone? I was touched beyond words.

"The noblest calling in the world is that of a mother. True motherhood is the most beautiful of all arts, the greatest of all professions." - David O. McKay

Monday, January 21, 2008

decorating for the holidays

As you know, my Nathan, who is almost 8, is the kindest, sweetest child in the world. His heart is as big as the sun. He is the type who will play with the lonely child on the playground because he or she has no one to play with or he will give his last bite of ice cream to his brother just because he asks for it. Nathan also is my most inquisitive child. He wants to know everything about everything and he shares his knowledge with anyone who will listen (including the window installers at our house today). This brings me to my Martin Luther King story.

Today is MLK day and prior to today the schools have been teaching the children all about MLK, what he stood for and how he helped change things in our world, as well as about his death. Friday, on our way to Nashville for Nathan's vision therapy, he began telling me all he had learned about MLK at school and told me that Monday was "Martin Luther King Day, a holiday". I told him how federal and state offices and schools and banks we closed on that day but that Mommy and Daddy had to work because not all businesses close for MLK day. We talked about a few other things and then Nathan asked me if we have any Martin Luther King "things". I asked him what he meant and he said " you know, posters and stuff to decorate with". He said he really wished we had an MLK sign to put up in our yard. I explained to him that people don't really decorate for MLK day - we just think of him and the important things he did during his lifetime. I think he was somewhat satisfied with my answer but wouldn't have been surprised to see Nathan on the computer printing out pictures of MLK to tape to our windows and doors.

I suppose those that don't know Nathan personally don't really understand the meaning of this post or why I chose to write about it. Those that do know him understand completely. He is full of wonder and sees the best in everyone and everything. I aspire to be more like him!

"Blessed is the home where each puts the other's happiness first" - Anonymous

Friday, January 18, 2008


My two middle sons, Nathan and Jackson always pray before we eat dinner. Our baby boy, Bryson, who is 18 months old, is very perceptive and picks up on everything (scary, yes I know) that his older brothers do. I realized this yesterday when I sat Bryson in his high chair for lunch and he put his little hands over his face and started praying his own little mumbling prayer. Moments like this just melt my heart and make me realize that even though my boys do things to drive me crazy and push me to the edge of insanity sometimes, they are the most precious beings on this earth. They grow up too fast and I have vowed to treasure the sweet moments and let the not-so-sweet moments move to the back of my mind.

"Children are bits of stardust blown from the hands of God."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

first blog

I've been thinking about blogging for some time but never took the time or had the nerve to do so. Right now I am not going to share this blog with anyone; I want to see how it works and feels for a week or two before I take that step. The primary reason I am starting a blog is because my children - 4 boys- ages 14, 8, 4 and 1, say and do things on a daily basis that either make me laugh or make me cringe (mostly laugh). I really need to document those precious moments, not only for myself but for the boys when they are older. I have a dear friend who I share my "boys" stories with daily and she tells me that I need to write a book. HA! No time for book writing but I think the blog just might be a solution. My goal is to post daily however baseball starts soon and there might be times that I am unable to do so. (If you do not know about our lives, baseball is a huge portion of our time). Some of my posts might only be a sentence or two that I jot down to remind me of something that one of the boys says or does or I might ramble on and on about something that makes me mad or drives me crazy (there are lots of those things!!!). At any rate, here goes .......

"Maybe I've been put on earth to be an ordinary person. Not to do anything great but to do something small that involves great love." anonymous